Friday, August 17, 2012

Our Life in Hawaii/What's up.

Updates/thoughts: (although I'm terrible at blogging regularly... obviously!!)

We've been living on Oahu for over 2 years now. It definitely feels like home. We now realize that we likely only have 10 more precious months to enjoy the beautiful Hawaiian Islands and the aloha lifestyle (although it certainly will always be near and dear to our hearts). I'm always trying to continually check items off our 'Hawaii Bucket List' :) We have several friends we've met through work and church who have really made (and continue to make) our time here enjoyable. We love to just take off and go to the beach or check out a new hike when we can.

Regarding work:
Adam is in the process of applying for a gastro-intestinal (GI) fellowship and is in his third and final year of internal medicine (IM) residency at Tripler (TAMC). I am working in neurosurgery at various hospitals in Honolulu with a private group of neurosurgeons and another physician assistant (Hawaii Neurosurgery Group). Looking forward to some up-coming CME in Chicago in October (to get away!).

We've been trying to rest in God's grace and learn to live guided by His Spirit. In light of all the "busy-ness" of life, work, and our never-ending to-do lists we try to look at this earthly life with an eternal perspective (although it is a constant battle to keep that mindset fresh). We are beyond blessed to be a part of Harbor Church, which we were invited to within three weeks of being here and have been attending ever since. We have the privilege of experiencing weekly fellowship in our small group that meets in Kailua. We pray with each other, read Scripture together, eat with each other, and serve The Kingdom along side one another. We go through life together - our Kailua Community Group (or whatever you want to call it) has become our family (aka 'ohana').

Although life is wonderful and we are blessed, it has been difficult to be so far from family and friends back in South Dakota. Life changes and people grow up and change and we feel like we are missing it. We do our best to stay in close touch via phones/texting, Facebook, email, and Skype (lol - technology!) but there's no substitute for your mother's hug, coffee with your best friend, or holding a tiny new family member in your arms. I am SOOO looking forward to some up-coming guests in the next few months!! Adam's parents are coming in October, my parents are coming at the end of December and we have several cousins and a few friends coming for visits next year.

God bless you and aloha for now.
Romans 6: Food for thought: The Gospel (Good News) is scandalous.